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How to do the "7 Days Of Step-Ups" challenge


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Welcome to the "7 Days Of Step-Ups" challenge! This challenge is designed to help improve your strength, balance, and coordination. During this challenge, you will be doing 10-70 step-ups each day for a total of 350 step-ups over the course of the seven days. Keep reading to find out what you need to know before starting, how to prepare for the challenge, and a spicy unexpected twist to the challenge that will make it especially challenging.

What You Need to Know Before Starting

Before you start the challenge, it's important to understand how it works and who you're going to be doing it with.

The second question is the easiest to answer first, so let's start there. In order to find out who you're going to be doing the challenge with, all you need to do is set a new goal in Elephants, post the challenge to your social feeds and see who of your friends are brave enough to opt in!

Now the complicated piece. How it works. So, what you'll be doing is sets of 50-110 step-ups per day over the course of the seven days. Each day you'll increase the number of step-ups you do by 10. For example, on day 1 you'll do 50 step-ups, on day 2 you'll do 60 step-ups, and so on. You can take breaks during the challenge if needed, but it's important to take the full seven days to complete it. If you want to start with a lower number, for instance on day 1 you'll do 10 step-ups, on day 2 you'll do 20 step-ups, and so on, that's cool too. Just make sure you clarify what you want to do with your friends first.

Oh, and the other part we almost forget (how silly of us!) the number of sets you do will increase each day. So on day 1 you'll do one set of 50 step-ups, on day 2 you'll do two sets of 60 step-ups, on day 3 you'll do three sets of 70 step-ups and so on. Told you it would get challenging!

It's important to warm up before you start the challenge. Start with some light stretching and then do a few step-ups at a lower intensity. This will help you get your body ready for the challenge and reduce the risk of injury. Additionally, make sure you have a comfortable pair of shoes that provide good support for your feet and ankles. This will help you stay comfortable and safe while doing the challenge.

Preparing for the Challenge

Preparing for the challenge is an important step in making sure you get the most out of it. Make sure you have a solid pair of shoes that are comfortable and supportive. You may also want to warm up before each session with some light cardio and dynamic stretching. Finally, make sure you have a timer or a device that can tell you when your session is over.

It's also important to stay hydrated throughout the challenge. Make sure you have a water bottle with you and take regular breaks to drink some water. Additionally, it's important to have a healthy snack on hand to keep your energy levels up. Eating a balanced diet and getting enough rest will also help you stay focused and motivated during the challenge.

Day 1: 50 Step-Ups

On day 1, you'll start off with 50 step-ups. Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart and place your hands on either side of your body for balance. Step up onto a platform or box with one foot and then step down with the other foot. Make sure to keep your back straight throughout the motion. Repeat this 50 times for a total of 50 step-ups.

Once you have completed the 50 step-ups, take a break. You're done for the day. This will help you build strength and endurance in your legs. Make sure to keep your breathing steady and controlled throughout the exercise. After you have completed the three sets of 50 step-ups, you can complete your day of step-ups, and do a check-in in your Elephants group challenge.

Day 2: 60 Step-Ups x 2

On day 2, you will increase the number of step-ups to 60. Start off in the same position as day 1, but this time you'll do two sets of 60 step-ups instead of one. Do 10 step-ups with one foot then switch feet and do another set of 10 step-ups. Repeat this until you have done a total of 20 step-ups.

Make sure to keep your back straight and your core engaged throughout the exercise. This will help you to maintain proper form and get the most out of your workout. Additionally, you can add a bit of weight to your step-ups in the form of handheld dumbbells to increase the intensity of the exercise if you want.

Day 3: 70 Step-Ups x 3

On day 3, increase the number of step-ups to 70. Start off in the same position as before and do three sets of 70 step-ups. Do 10 step-ups with one foot then switch feet and do another set of 10 step-ups. Repeat this until you have done a total of 70 step-ups.

Make sure to keep your back straight and your core engaged throughout the exercise. Focus on pushing through your heel and engaging your glutes as you step up.

Take a short break between each set and remember to breathe deeply. Breeaaaaathe.

Day 4: 80 Step-Ups x 4

Day 5: 90 Step-Ups x 5

Day 6: 100 Step-Ups x 6

Day 7: 110 Step-Ups x 7

And after all this you deserve a jolly good break!

Benefits of the Challenge

The benefits of this challenge are numerous. It is an effective way to build leg strength and improve your balance and coordination. It can also increase your cardiovascular endurance and help to improve your overall fitness level. Plus, it's a great way to stay motivated and stay on track with your fitness goals.

Tips for Making the Challenge Easier

There are some tips that can help make this challenge easier. First, make sure to warm up properly before each session with some light cardio and dynamic stretching. This will help prevent injury and keep you from getting tired too quickly. Second, try breaking up the sets into smaller chunks if needed - for example, instead of doing 10 sets of 10 step-ups, break them up into 5 sets of 20. Finally, make sure to take breaks if needed - but try not to take too many or it will be hard to stay motivated.

Stretches to Do After Each Session

It's important to stretch after each session to help reduce soreness and improve flexibility. Start by doing a few calf stretches: stand with one foot forward and bend your knee while keeping your back straight. Hold this position for 15 seconds then switch legs and repeat. You can also do some hamstring stretches: sit on the floor with one leg straight in front of you while keeping your back straight and your core engaged. Lean forward from your hips until you feel a stretch in your hamstring then hold for 15 seconds before switching legs.


The "7 Days Of Step-Ups" challenge is an effective way to improve strength, balance, and coordination while also providing an excellent cardiovascular workout. Follow the tips above to make sure that you get the most out of this challenge and stay safe while doing it. We can not stress this enough. Make sure you stay safe. No injury is worth being the champion of step-ups - we promise you.

Good luck, and let the deep burns of a good work-out begin!

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